When I came to DC, I immidiately search a CrossFit Box. My second day in DC, I found a CrossFit Box. After the school, I went to Box and I met and known very speciall and kind community. They teat me very kindly. They also give me a president which is t-shirt of affliate. When I return to Turkey, i'd like to keep in touch with all of them.

This picture taken from national stadium.This day,we were so confused because of we didnt know anything about beyzball actually we still dont know :)) but as far as see all the americans enjoy it.They care about beyzball but ı thınk that if they watch soccer game for a while,ı sure that they will love more than beyzball this is my opinion maybe its not gonna be but as far as see they had so fun actually we had so fun but we didnt understand about their strategy and plays.Thanks for our lecturer she taken away to stadium and we could see a beyzball match.

I am in Las Vegas in this photo. I decided to add this photo, because in this photo there is my best friend and there is my best vocation place. Maybe I walked fifty times in this street. There are lots of hotels and all of them have special feature. For example, behind of us there is Eiffel Tower and when people enter that hotel they face with Paris. In this hotel all of the corridors have a special name, which are Paris’s street name. In Las Vegas there are lots oh hotel like Paris Hotel. All of them are very famous.